Thursday, May 14, 2009

dis and dat

This is going to be a mish-mash of thoughts/news, so bear with me while I get it all out! I've got a ton of great new pics to share, but haven't uploaded them to my computer yet. But here's something just as entertaining, if not more so...a couple of videos of Miss M showing off her jazz knowledge. Not bad for a 3-year-old (and a 2-year-old in the older one)! Telling the world who her favorite saxophonist is (thanks, kiddo):

Jamming at the dinner table to a revised version of 'Salt Peanuts':

I am now 25 weeks pregnant and starting to feel like it. I'm not uncomfortable really, but I am at the stage where my clothes look like crap on my current frame. Most of my old shirts don't fit, save a couple of T's. (I've been in special stretchy pants for a little while now.) I bought some new stuff but it's a little baggier than I'd like. I know I'm only going to get bigger, so I don't want to buy smaller sizes, but for now I'm feeling frumpy. Thanks to my wonderful husband and daughter, I have two new tops--summer style--to wear. Great, thoughtful Mother's Day gifts!

I got a mild lecture from my OB last week about not gaining weight fast enough. I'm up 12 lbs from my pre-preggo weight, and I eat all the time! I'm just not eating cake and ice cream all day long. Plus we've started walking since the weather is nice again, so I'm sure that has something to do with it. So, I indulged in a fabulous ice cream cone this afternoon and at fast food for dinner, too. Doctor's orders, right?

I still have to scan and post pics of the ultrasound. No names yet, not even clever nicknames, so here I'm referring to our fetal friend as Baby X. Original, yes?

I'm sure I forgot to mention something, but that'll have to wait for another post. I want to put these videos up on my jazzwriter blog ( before I forget. After that, it's time for bed. 'Night, all.

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