This little girl (yet unnamed…more on that later!) is a very active one. I remember Miss M mostly being active in the evening, after 9 pm. This kiddo is active throughout the day. I wonder what that means? In terms of preparing for her arrival, I’ve done a couple of things on my list. First, my generous neighbors are handing over a few baby items I wanted but didn’t have with M (Boppy for nursing, baby swing for inside). Second, I ordered some cloth diapers/covers in small sizes. This time I’m being realistic and not planning on starting cloth right away. I figure I will need some time adjust to parenting two children, so I figure I'll wait until she's a couple of months old (or until she fits into the small sizes) before diving in. Besides, I can’t see spending the money on newborn sizes that will fit for such a short time--they grow so fast! I already have 2 dozen prefolds that I ordered but didn’t use with M. I just ordered some covers for those as well as some of our favs, BumGenius one-size. These have three different size settings so they can be used all the way through until potty training. Now that’s a great way to save money!
We've been spending a lot of time outdoors since the weather's been nice (as we do every spring/summer). But we've also had a bit of rain, so we've had to come up with indoor activities as well. Here are some pictures of "fun stuff" from recent days.
Purple girl posing with matching lilacs
New achievement--she's mastered using a mouse! Now on to computer games (Clifford, Sesame Street) geared towards preschoolers!
The drumset has made another appearance in the basement. Jammin' alone and with Daddy:
1 comment:
Sounds like a great plan for cloth. I'm on the same page as you when it's time for our #2! PS- I love the BG's one size too. Let me know if you come across any great deals and I'll keep my eyes out too:
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