I just uploaded the most recent pictures from the camera, and as I'm perusing the newest shots I notice our digital photo frame shuffling through pics from what I think was late July or early to mid-August. And I noticed that Ali is, these days, looking much more like a real toddler and less like a baby (which she truly was in the pics at just under 12 months) every day. How does that happen so quickly? She's almost 15 months now, so of course she isn't a baby-baby anymore, but she's still a baby, at least in my mommy mind.
On the same note, Madison has grown a ton lately, too. Not just physically (although I'm having a hard time keeping that girl in shoes--seems we buy a size and the next thing you know those feet have lengthened even more!) but also developmentally. She is in the "why" stage and asks tons of questions. She also verbalizes things in a more sophisticated manner than even a few months ago. Her descriptions of things--dreams, events, friends--is very detailed and she has a pretty impressive vocabulary. And...she's starting to read, just a little bit. She loves to write her letters and is always asking how to spell words so she can copy them down on paper. I've received several "cards" where she has written "I love you mama." *wub*
Well, I could go on and get all sappy about how time flies with little ones but I won't put you through that. Instead, I'll put up some of the pics I've just uploaded. You can experience Halloween with the Harts (featuring a caterpillar and butterfly) and some fall fun in general that we've been having!
At the Ropp-Rader Farm Roundup (Dad took these pictures)
Pumpkin carving party at my in-laws'...on 10-10-10 (also Kevin's bday!)
I stole this idea from a friend who posted her pics on Facebook...this is a wonderful Thanksgiving project! Traced each girls' hand on colored paper & cut them out. Asked what they (well, I asked Madison to answer for both of them) were thankful for and wrote replies on each handprint. I also did one for Kevin and me. Attached leaves to a hastily drawn tree trunk...this neat display is now gracing our kitchen wall!
And finally, a couple of totally random pictures. Had to add these b/c they're cute!
This was in September...Madison wanted to make Christmas cookies. Why not?
Little drummer girl
Whew, that's a lot of pictures. Thanks for looking if you made it this far, and happy Thanksgiving to all!