Friday, February 23, 2007

"y" not?

You know what's cool? I now have an excuse to watch Sesame Street. I used to watch it as a kid. And now that I have a kid of my own I feel comfortable wasting an hour in front of the TV singing along to silly songs and giggling at Cookie Monster. Not that I'm encouraging Madison to veg out in front of the boob tube, but Sesame Street *is* classic viewing.

Today's episode had a really clever segment with Nora Jones. She's sitting at the piano, all depressed, because a friend of hers was supposed to meet her and didn't show. Turns out her friend is the letter Y. Guess what song she sang in her bluesy state...yep, "Don't Know Y." I thought it was really clever, but that' s probably just mommy brain kicking in.

Well, Madison is officially walking. She hasn't crawled in about 3 days. She treks through the house, up and down the hallway, carrying toys or socks or whatever she gets her little hands on. It's so funny, she still seems so little to be cruising around like that. The girl is so proud of herself, as are her parents.

I've been wanting to post this video for a while...Kevin put together a segment of her doing a little shopping at the mall. Be sure to turn the volume up on your computer. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

itty bitty steps

Let's see, what's new in the Hart household?

Well, we were snowed in yesterday. Got 13" of snow, so of course we weren't going anywhere. To celebrate, we all stayed in our pajamas all day.

Now on to more exciting news...Madison is officially walking! She'll teeter between Kevin and me, and there have been a few occasions where she was standing up, holding on to something, and she'd let go and take a few steps on her own. It really does look funny because she's so little.

She's been practicing with her stroller at the mall. We'll go to one of those sitting areas and she'll hang on to the basket and do laps around the benches. We've got a great video of this...if I ever figure out how to upload videos I'll post it.

Happy Valentine's Day!